Disaster Recovery and DR Preparedness : Configure automatic testing of RNs
Configure automatic testing of RNs
onQ can automatically test (also called Self Test) Ready‑to‑Build Recovery Nodes (RNs) on a predefined schedule after each RN build and for all the RNs that you add to the self-test list.
Self Test verifies connectivity inside an agent‑based or agent‑less RN (via TCP connection), testing that onQ can connect to the RN using the pre-configured IP address and, in the case of agent‑based RNs, that the Quorum service is running on the RN.
Self Test works on both the HA and the DR Appliance and even when PNs are on different subnets. Upon completion, onQ sends the test results to all alert subscribers.
onQ can automatically test individual nodes, but not a group of nodes.
To configure an RN test for an individual recovery node:
1. From the HA or the DR Appliance, go to the SELF TEST tab > ADD INDIVIDUAL button.
2. In the RN Name drop‑down list, choose the recovery node from the list.
Build‑on‑Demand RNs can appear in this list, if the RN was formerly an Ready-to-Run RN. A self test of an outdated RN is possible, but the results will not reflect the RN’s resiliancy or vulnerability in the event of a disaster.
3. In the Test Schedule drop-down list, choose when you want the test to run, then SAVE.
After Update – Choose this option if you want the test to run after each incremental update. This option is ideal when your backups are scheduled once every 24 hours.
Hour – If you have multiple incremental backups in a day, choose this option to avoid getting multiple confirmations after each test. More than one test in a day does not provide any additional benefits.