Updates : Install onQ Appliance license
Install onQ Appliance license
Each onQ Appliance requires a license for each onQ virtual machine (also called, onQ instances) that the onQ Appliance hosts. Licensing is based on the number of onQ instances, enabling support for multi‑tenant onQ Appliances, and the number of protected nodes.
Your licenses are managed by and downloaded from onQ Central, a license server and package distribution system. onQ Appliances ship with the perpetual licenses already installed. You’ll need to install or reinstall the license on the onQ instance on the onQ Appliance if you want to:
add a new perpetual license because you’ve expanded your configuration to include an additional onQ instance on the onQ Appliance.
enable an onQ instance on the onQ Appliance to manage more protected nodes.
extend an evaluation license.
replace an evaluation license with a perpetual license.
reinstall your perpetual license to fix a license generation problem.
To view the current license:
1. Go to APPLIANCE CONFIG tab > ADVANCED button > LICENSE page.
2. Observe the following:
The serial number appears in the onQ Instance Serial # field. You’ll need this serial number if you need to request a permanent or replacement license.
If you are licensed for an onQ Flex configuration, onQ Flex appears in the Options field.
The number of protected nodes that your license enables you to protect is the Managed node count.
To obtain a permanent or replacement license file:
Simply send an e-mail request to license@quorum.net, requesting a replacement license. In that email include the serial number and specify an appropriate return address.
Afterward, Quorum will advise you to do one of the following:
Install the license automatically via onQ Central as outlined in (Recommended) To automatically install a license:.
Perform a local installation as outlined in To manually install a license:. In this case, Quorum will email you the license as an attachment.
(Recommended) To automatically install a license:
1. Log on to the onQ Portal as VARadmin.
2. Configure the alerts delivery mechanism. Go to Modify e‑mail alert settings.
3. Go to APPLIANCE CONFIG tab > ADVANCED button > LICENSE page.
4. Click Install License (QLI) to check for the latest license on the onQ Central.
5. Wait while the onQ Manager retrieves the latest license from onQ Central, then automatically installs the license on the onQ Appliance.
When complete, the onQ Manager returns a License was installed message. If your onQ Appliance is already running the latest license, the onQ Manager simply reinstalls the same license.
If you receive either of the following error messages, contact Quorum Support:
Unable to contact QuorumLabs license server...
Unable to install license...
To manually install a license:
This manual process is not as elegant as allowing the onQ Appliance to do the work for you. Use this manual procedure if onQ Central is not accessible to your onQ Appliance through the internet.
1. Save the license file that Quorum provided in a location that is accessible by your browser.
2. Go to APPLIANCE CONFIG tab > ADVANCED button > LICENSE page.
3. Click Install License (Local) to load and install the license.
4. Browse... to the new license file, then Upload.
The new license automatically installs on the onQ Appliance.